Run online retrospectives with TeamRetro

Easily run retros with guided facilitation techniques for face-to-face or remote teams. Avoid group-think and bias. Focus on what matters and create actions that drive continuous improvement.

Choose and customise templates
Brainstorm without fear or bias
Save time with suggested grouping
Vote independently to prioritize ideas
Deep dive into discussions
Get buy in for proposed actions
Measure Return On Time Invested
Publish, share and track actions

Set the stage

Show who aded ideas to create openness or use private or aliases to avoid group think. Keep things on track with a timer. Colour ideas by topic, person or key point.


Quickly combine ideas

Use our auto-suggest feature to save you time or drag and drop related ideas together.


Decide on priorities

Independent voting keeps things real allowing the team to decide on where the focus should be.

Present, discuss and create actions

Easily facilitate discussion in order of priority. Use Presentation Mode to sync everyone’s screens to capture comments and actions.

Keep your data safe and secure

TeamRetro is SOC 2 Type 2 accredited for Security, Confidentiality, and Privacy. An independent auditor has evaluated our policies, product, platform, and infrastructure in accordance with the Standard on Assurance Engagements (ASAE 3150) and verified that TeamRetro complies with their stringent requirements. TeamRetro is GDPR Compliant and offers the option to host in the US or EU. Learn more.

Single sign-on

SSO via SAML (GSuite, OneLogin, OKTA, Azure Active Directory…) included in all plans.



Automatically and easily provision teams and users in TeamRetro from your existing identity provider – learn more.

API access

Manage teams, users, actions, and agreements; Access reporting and health data programmatically via our Enterprise API.

High availability

Run your retrospective as and when you need it with a 99.9% uptime SLA. View our status dashboard.

Say goodbye to time-wasting, boring and ineffective retrospectives
TeamRetro gives scrum-masters, agile coaches and teams a safe space to ideate, gather inspiration and foster a collaborative spirit. Our retrospective exercises and plays can be tailored to meet the dynamics, culture and persona of your team. Real time interactive design keeps your team engaged and participating throughout the whole retrospective.

Effortless onboarding

Quickly invite your team by email, Slack, or share a link.

Fully customizable

Use one of our ready-to-go templates, or design your own retrospective template.

Track actions

Track your team actions – get email reminders, or send them to your preferred workflow tools.

Single sign on

Sign in with your organization’s identity provider.

Try it free for 30 days, no credit card required

Still have questions? Schedule a demo