Strength, Challenges, Opportunities, Risk (SCOR) futurespective

Futurespective Idea – shape a strategy to deliver your objective

What is the SCOR futurespective?

The SCOR futurespective is a tool intended to help teams deliver their strategic plan for their project. Team members define the Strengths, Challenges, Opportunities and Risks they predict they will encounter with their project. The ideas they share build their strategy for their project.

The SCOR futurespective works well for established agile teams. It presents the chance to shape a strategy rather than a step by step guide to embark on the project. This means they have greater scope to deliver creative solutions further down the track.

The SCOR model is a version of the SWOT analysis which sees the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats of a project defined. The key difference between the two is that SCOR has been designed with team empowerment in mind. Firstly, the SCOR approach sees weaknesses reframed as challenges; so rather than team members potentially listing their inadequacies, they will be sharing their skills to overcome adversity. Secondly, participants are invited to identify risks rather than threats. Not only does this set a far less adversarial tone for the project ahead, participants view them as less ominous and therefore more manageable.

SCOR futurespective format


What major strengths do we have? What resources, skills and knowledge do we possess? What gives us confidence?


What difficulties or threats could we face? In what areas do we think we may be underequipped? What’s making us nervous?


What can we capitalize on based on our strengths? Where is our chance to shine? What are we finding exciting?


What risks lie ahead and how can we reduce them? What could threaten our success? What have we seen derail a project in the past? What are our no-go zones?

Suggested icebreaker questions for the SCOR futurespective

  • What’s your hidden strength or talent?
  • Do you prefer a challenge or an opportunity? Explain why.
  • If there was one thing you could predict about the project, what would it be and why?

Futurespective Rehearsal

Apply the SCOR futurespective to impulse buying the latest new release games console. Define the strengths, challenges, opportunities and risks this would represent.

With this in mind, would you do it now?

Ideas and tips for your SCOR futurespective

  • Encourage participants to draw on their experience from other projects to fill in the futurespective template.
  • Get your project off on the right foot. Consider using the futurespective to define your team’s Definition of Done.
  • Allow participants to brainstorm anonymously to help them feel safe when adding their thoughts to the futurespective. People are more likely to engage when they feel they will not be judged.
  • Encourage participants to reference the tools, processes and practices they will be using.
  • Ben Linders recommends limiting the number of action items coming out of a futurespective to just the few vital ones needed to get started. Further actions will be shaped when the team meets for their regular retrospective.
  • Retro your futurespective at the end of your project with a focus on what was learnt.

How to run a SCOR futurespective in TeamRetro

Start Agile Retrospective

Start your retrospective in a click
Log into TeamRetro and choose your sprint retrospective template.

Invite Your Team
Invite your team easily – no separate accounts needed
Send an email invite, a link or add to your Slack channel to get people started quickly. SSO options are also available.
Agile Retrospective Brainstorm
Time to brainstorm
Each team member can now brainstorm individually under each topic. This avoids group think and allows everyone to have their say. They can indicate when they have finished, or you can set a timer so that you know when to move onto the next stage.
Grouping of ideas after brainstorming in a retrospective meeting
Group related ideas
Drag and drop  related ideas to combine them for easier voting. TeamRetro can also automatically suggest ideas that are similar, saving you and your team valuable time.
Grouping of ideas after brainstorming in a retrospective meeting
Vote independently to avoid anchoring
Each team member votes on what they would most like to discuss further. The results won’t be displayed to everyone until you advance to Discuss.
Grouping of ideas after brainstorming in a retrospective meeting

Discuss the most important things first
You and your team discuss the top voted ideas and can capture deep dive comments.  Presentation mode allows you to walk your team through ideas one-by-one and keep the conversation focused.

Grouping of ideas after brainstorming in a retrospective meeting

Review and create actions

Easily facilitate discussion by bringing everyone onto the same page. Create action items, assign owners and due dates that will carry through for review at the next retrospective.

Grouping of ideas after brainstorming in a retrospective meeting

Share the results
Once you have finished your retro, you can share the results and actions with the team. Your retro will be stored so you can revisit them as needed.

Congratulations! You’ve just run a retro like a boss.
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