Updates – TeamRetro

Beyond the Surface: Unearthing Valuable Metrics from Retros and Health Checks for Team Growth

Welcome to the Insights feature of TeamRetro. Insights brings [...]

By |June 16th, 2023|Agile in Focus, TeamRetro Updates|Comments Off on Beyond the Surface: Unearthing Valuable Metrics from Retros and Health Checks for Team Growth

Ensuring top-tier data security with TeamRetro: Our journey to SOC2 and GDPR compliance.

At TeamRetro, we understand the paramount importance of data security [...]

By |March 11th, 2022|Agile in Focus, Retrospective Quick Tips, TeamRetro Client Stories, TeamRetro Updates|Comments Off on Ensuring top-tier data security with TeamRetro: Our journey to SOC2 and GDPR compliance.